Welcome to Epworth United Methodist Church
We are an active community of faith striving to make a difference in people’s lives in the name of Jesus Christ to the glory of God.
Join us
Sunday mornings
at 10 am for
Also available

Lenten Soup Supper
Our Lenten Soup Suppers begin March 9th. We are looking for volunteers to help with set up, clean up and to make soup. There is a sign-up sheet in the Narthex. You can also sign-up by contacting the office! Please mark your calendars for Sundays at 5 pm during Lent where we will meet in the Gathering Place for a simple meal and a discussion led by Debbie Campion.

Lenten Bible Study
You are invited to join the Wednesday Night Discussion Group for their Lenten Bible Study. They will be reading “The Final Days: A Lenten Journey through the Gospels” by Matt Rawle. Books are available in the office. The Wednesday Night group meets at 7pm on Zoom and is led by Rev. John Doll of Asbury UMC in Cinnaminson. For more information, please contact the church office.

Book Club
Do you like to read or are you trying to read more? We are starting a new book club at Epworth and everyone is welcome! Our first selection is “Red at the Bone” by Jacqueline Woodson. Discussion will be on Friday, April 11 at 1 pm in the Gathering Place. Feel free to bring your lunch. Please see Tina in the office for a copy of the book or if you have any questions.

Epworth's New Social Media Pages
We have decided to change from a profile to a business page on Facebook. Please go give our new Church Page a Like and even a review! Our goal is 100 Likes! For the time being, we’ll still be streaming the Sunday services on the profile page as we work to get the business page more active.
Did you know Epworth in on Instagram? Check out our page and give us a follow.

Interested in Handbells?
Did you know that ringing handbells can improve both memory and coordination skills? While any musical activity will increase your brain activity and help keep you sharp, playing handbells is particularly engaging because ringers constantly track their notes to play at the right time.
Jubellation will begin rehearsals again on Wednesday, January 15 at 7 pm. If you would like to learn more about handbells, please contact Amy Chaplin.

Prayer Shawl Ministry
The Prayer Shawl Ministry is happy to take requests for shawls. If you know of someone in need of a prayer shawl for comfort, health concerns, bereavement, celebration or praise, please reach out to any member on the Prayer Shawl Ministry or email Liz Rosvold.

Pickleball is a paddleball sport (similar to a racket sport) that combines elements of badminton, table tennis, and tennis. Two or four players use solid paddles made of wood or composite materials to hit a perforated plastic ball, much like a wiffle ball, with 26-40 round holes, over a net. The sport shares features of other racket sports: the dimensions and layout of a badminton court, and a net and rules somewhat similar to tennis.
Epworth has set up a pickleball court in the gym for playing. You are invited to join us on Tuesdays at 7 pm. Contact Joe Garemore for more information.

"The Chosen" Bible Study
Last year, we had a Bible Study on select Thursday nights that watched through the first 3 seasons of “The Chosen” series about the disciples of Christ. A common piece of feedback was how inspiring it was to see the stories of the Bible, even ones we know very well, presented and interpreted in new and refreshing ways! This fall, we will be watching through season 4 on select Thursdays from 7-8:30pm and discussing the themes. Anyone is welcome! You can find the schedule here.

Pinochle Club
The Pinochle Club has decided to expand to two times per month, the first and third Saturday of each month with the start time returning to 1 pm. The first Saturday will feature “card exchange” pinochle while the third Saturday will remain regular pinochle. The club welcomes new members of any skill level. Come join us in the Library! Our next gathering is Saturday, June 15th. For more information, please contact Debbie Cheeseman.

Mah Jong
Did you know that Epworth has a Mah Jong group? They meet every Monday at 12:30 pm and are always looking for new people to join them. Everyone is welcome. Don’t know how to play? No problem. They will be happy to teach you. For more information, please contact Debbie Cheeseman.

Interested in Joining the Church?
Church membership can be a great way to grow your commitment to the life of the church and expand your ways of getting involved! Pastor Rachel is currently collecting names of those interested in becoming professing members of Epworth and will be having New Membership classes. Please contact the Church office if interested.
Bread of Life Food Pantry accepts donations Wednesday afternoons from 1 ~ 3pm and Thursday evenings 7 ~ 8pm. Food is distributed on the third Saturday of the month, 9am ~ 1pm
Epworth Happenings ~ Keeping you up to date!

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Your support ensures Epworth’s ministry continues to make a difference.
Contact and Location Info
Sunday Worship ~ 10am in-person and online
Children and Youth Sunday School ~ Sunday , 10am
Mah Jong ~ Monday, 12:30 in the Library
Pickle Ball ~ Tuesday at 7pm in the gym
Wednesday Discussion Group ~ 7pm via Zoom
Food Pantry ~ Third Saturday from 9am -1pm
Pinochle ~ Third Saturday, 2pm in the Gathering Place
(Contact Church Office for Zoom Links)
Epworth United Methodist Church
501 Morgan Avenue
Palmyra, New Jersey 08065