Meet the Pastor

Rev. Rachel Callender
Pastor Rachel is the 13th Methodist pastor in the Callender family over 5 generations (16th in her family overall). After completing a Bachelor in Fine Arts in Theatre Performance at Kean University (Magna Cum Laude, Alpha Psi Omega, Lambda Alpha Sigma), she went to Princeton Theological Seminary for her Masters of Divinity where she fell in love with food justice ministries. Then, with a scholarship from the United Methodist Council of Bishops, she attended the Bossey Ecumenical Institute of the World Council of Churches in Bogis-Bossey, Switzerland for a Complementary Certificate in Ecumenical Studies. She was then ordained as an Elder in Full Connection in the Greater New Jersey Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church (UMC) in 2022.
Before being appointed to Epworth UMC, her previous appointments include Interim Pastor at the UMC’s of Long Beach Island and Associate Pastor at Medford UMC. She has a heart for ecumenical/interfaith dialogue and exploring spirituality through creative expression. She and her husband, Matthew, are both born and raised in New Jersey, have two cats, Hux and Hanx, and live a life of art, travel, and nerdy television.
Ministry Leaders

Tina Weiler – Administrative Assistant
Tina is one of those special people with an easy smile and a genuinely friendly personality. Whether by phone or in person, you will always feel welcome when you contact the Epworth office. She always seems to have time for you, and still completes the myriad of tasks and jobs that demand her attention. She helps leads our youth ministry. Tina has been a member here at Epworth for several years. A Cinnaminson resident she and her husband Tim are quite busy with their boys, Owen, Max and Camden. Tina has a passion for the children and families of Epworth.

Amy Chaplin – Music Director
Amy has worked in direct mail, retail product design and packaging, as well as corporate communications and website design. In her free time, Amy enjoys craft and DIY projects, hiking & kayaking, and dreaming up unusual ways to use handbells and handchimes. Amy has played for numerous worship services at various churches in the area. Epworth welcomes her talent and gifts. We welcome her as she comes to lead our handbell ensemble and helps lead music during worship.

Kathryn Guenther – Music Director
Kate has worked as a soloist and accompanist, playing everything from Bach to Broadway. In 2004, she made her orchestral debut performing Shostakovich’s Piano Concerto Op. 102 No. 1. Locally, she has worked as a music director and performer with numerous organizations such as Music Mountain Theatre, Maple Shade Arts Council, The Road Company, and Circle of Friends. She actively works as an accompanist for numerous school districts for annual choral concerts. Kathryn has worked for the past 17 years for the Pennsauken School District as Vocal Director for the middle school and now high school program. She has directed numerous productions for the district. Epworth welcomes her as she comes to lead the vocal groups and helps lead music during worship.