Christmas Eve Service
Please check back for 2025 information.

2025's Advent study is in the works...
Please stay tuned
EPWORTH’S CHRISTMAS CONCERT Stay tuned for 2025’s date
You are invited to take a break from the busy-ness of the season and enjoy a moment of relaxation. The music ministry of Epworth is preparing a special Gift of Music. We invite to join us (date to be determined) for a Christmas Concert in the sanctuary of Epworth. The program will include selections from our vocal ensembles and handbell ringers. Refreshments will follow in the Gathering Place. Hope you will plan to be with us. The concert will not be live-streamed but will be available at a later date on our YouTube channel.

Angels Available
Our Angel Tree provides gifts for area children in need. Working with the Bread of Life food pantry we help for families in need. You are invited to tale an angel from the tree in narthex. Each angel has an age and a gift suggestion for a child. Return the unwrapped gift with the angel attached by Sunday, December (TBD).