Welcome to Epworth United Methodist Church

We are an active community of faith striving to make a difference in people’s lives in the name of Jesus Christ to the glory of God.

A Gift of Music

You are invited to take a break from the busy-ness of the season and enjoy a moment of relaxation. The music ministry of Epworth is preparing a special Gift of Music. We invite to join us Sunday, December 8 at 4pm for a Christmas Concert in the sanctuary of Epworth. The program will include selections from our vocal ensembles and handbell ringers. Hope you will plan to be with us.

Epworth Social Group

Let’s celebrate the Christmas Season.  There will be a gift exchange & desserts at our December meeting.  Each person is asked to bring a small, wrapped gift (no more than $10) and a dessert to share.  We will meet on Saturday, December 14th, at 7 pm in the Gathering Place.  The hosts are Bunny Zimmerman and Lynn Truax.  Please RSVP to Bunny at 856-291-1803.

Longest Night Service

On Saturday, December 21st we will be having a Longest Night service in the chapel at 1:30pm, followed by a catered luncheon with tables setup for facilitated conversations about different types of grief and loss people may be experiencing this Advent season. There will be a signup in the Narthex simply for a headcount on how much food to order. You do not need to have recently lost someone to attend, and grief can be more than losing a person. Please talk to Pastor Rachel for more information. This event is sponsored by our Bridges Team.

Christmas Eve Service

This year we will celebrate Christmas Eve at 7pm with a service of readings and carols. We will be welcoming our children as they come forward to embody the nativity story as we had done years ago. As is our tradition, we will end the service candle lighting to Silent Night. All are welcome to be with us as join together for worship on this holy night.

Poinsettia Sale

Each year we marvel at the beauty of our sanctuary as it is wonderfully decorated for the Christmas season. A special part of this is when the poinsettias make their appearance the Sunday before Christmas.  We are again offering an option when you are ordering poinsettias for Christmas. You will be able to order them as usual and take them home. But if you do not wish to take them home you can opt to make a donation instead for future decorations for the church. You will still be able to honor and remember loved ones with either choice. Order forms will be available near the offering boxes in the sanctuary on Sunday mornings.  You can also order by contact Terry Neas at 609-560-9957.

Grace Circle Nut Sale

Grace Circle’s Annual Nut Sale will begin on Sunday, November 3rd and continue through December 22.  Nuts will be available for purchase before and after the worship service. The Nut Sale benefits the Health & Welfare Ministries and proceeds are distributed to local and worldwide missions. Order forms will be available in Narthex.

Prayer Shawl Ministry

The Prayer Shawl Ministry is happy to take requests for shawls. If you know of someone in need of a prayer shawl for comfort, health concerns, bereavement, celebration or praise, please reach out to any member on the Prayer Shawl Ministry or email Liz Rosvold.

Wednesday Night Discussion Group

Advent Bible Study
Our Wednesday Night Bible Study with Asbury UMC has started its Advent series.  We will be studying “The Christmas Letters” by Magrey R. DeVega, all about how the letters in the Greek Bible, though not explicitly about the nativity story, act as Christmas cards to the world.  Books are available with Pastor Rachel.  There is still time to join us.  Our next session will take place on Wednesday, December 4th at 7 pm. Please join us on ZOOM.

"The Chosen" Bible Study

Last year, we had a Bible Study on select Thursday nights that watched through the first 3 seasons of “The Chosen” series about the disciples of Christ. A common piece of feedback was how inspiring it was to see the stories of the Bible, even ones we know very well, presented and interpreted in new and refreshing ways! This fall, we will be watching through season 4 on select Thursdays from 7-8:30pm and discussing the themes. Anyone is welcome! You can find the schedule here.

Prayer Shawl Ministry

The Prayer Shawl Ministry is happy to take requests for shawls.  If you know of someone in need of a prayer shawl for comfort, health concerns, bereavement, celebration or praise, please reach out to any member on the Prayer Shawl Ministry or email Barbara Beitz.

Pinochle Club

The Pinochle Club has decided to expand to two times per month, the first and third Saturday of each month with the start time returning to 1 pm.  The first Saturday will feature “card exchange” pinochle while the third Saturday will remain regular pinochle.  The club welcomes new members of any skill level.  Come join us in the Library!  Our next gathering is Saturday, June 15th.  For more information, please contact Debbie Cheeseman.

Mah Jong

Did you know that Epworth has a Mah Jong group?  They meet every Monday at 12:30 pm and are always looking for new people to join them.  Everyone is welcome.  Don’t know how to play?  No problem.  They will be happy to teach you.  For more information, please contact Debbie Cheeseman.

Interested in Joining the Church?

Church membership can be a great way to grow your commitment to the life of the church and expand your ways of getting involved! Pastor Rachel is currently collecting names of those interested in becoming professing members of Epworth and will be having New Membership classes.  Please contact the Church office if interested.


Bread of Life Food Pantry accepts donations Wednesday afternoons from 1 ~ 3pm and Thursday evenings 7 ~ 8pm.    Food is distributed on the third Saturday of the month, 9am ~ 1pm


Epworth Happenings ~ Keeping you up to date!

If you would like to receive our Epworth Happenings, newsletter and other announcements, CLICK HERE to subscribe.

Your support ensures Epworth’s ministry continues to make a difference.


Contact and Location Info


Sunday Worship ~ 10am in-person and online
Children and Youth Sunday School ~ Sunday , 10am 
Mah Jong ~ Monday, 12:30 in the Library
Pickle Ball ~ Tuesday at 7pm in the gym
Wednesday Discussion Group ~ 7pm via Zoom
Food Pantry ~ Third Saturday from 9am -1pm
Pinochle ~ Third Saturday, 2pm in the Gathering Place
 (Contact Church Office for Zoom Links)

Epworth United Methodist Church
501 Morgan Avenue
Palmyra, New Jersey  08065

