Building Use
Our facilities are available for a variety of events. We can accommodate a large event in our fellowship hall or gym. We also have several smaller rooms that can be used for classes or a meeting. Please contact the church office so we may send you an application and schedule your event. There may be a fee associated with use. The use of the space is tentative until approved by our trustees.
The church is available for a funeral or memorial service. Funerals are usually arranged through a local funeral director. There are fees associated with the organist and bulletins. If you wish to use the church for a reception following the funeral service, we will put you in touch with our bereavement team who can make arrangements for refreshments. You will be responsible for the catering costs.
Baptism is a Sacrament ordained by Christ. It can only be received once, but its effects are everlasting. It is not something we “do” as a tradition or right of passage. It should be something that we participate in as a response spiritually to grace that God has given to us.
The United Methodist Church baptizes people of all ages. It is an event that is to be celebrated and shared by family, sponsors, and the whole church community. It is in baptism that we are initiated into the life of Christ’s church. As such it is expected that those participating are and will be active in the life of the church. In the case of a child being baptized, at least one parent/guardian is to be a member of a Christian church.
You are encouraged to make all arrangements through the church office and with the pastor. These include selecting a date for the baptism and a time to meet with the pastor prior to the baptism. During the time with the pastor, you will discuss baptism, its meaning and traditions. The actual sacrament, which is part of our worship service, will also be discussed and explained. Your date for the baptism will not be confirmed until you meet with the pastor.
Below is a guide to help you in planning your wedding. Our desire is that you should have a religious service and that it will be meaningful to all involved. We seek to maintain the deepest religious traditions of our faith. Through this service, two people created by God as unique individuals become one in purpose and love, and here they take responsibility to love, honor, and cherish each other until death. It is a high and holy experience. It is a moment of worship.
These policies have been recommended and decided upon based on experience and after careful deliberation. It is the hope of Epworth United Methodist Church that you will understand the full significance of the wedding ceremony, and that it will be a memorable event for you. May God continue to add His richest blessings to you as you begin to share completely with each other and with our Lord.
Respect for the Church
It is expected that all members of the wedding party will conduct themselves with reverence and respect for the Church and its furnishings. We ask that members of the wedding party respect the Church building by refraining from smoking or using alcoholic beverages in or around the building. No rice, confetti, or other items shall be thrown in the Church building or on the Church grounds. Bird seed may be used outside the Church building if desired. The wedding couple is liable for any damages to the Church.
Pastoral Consultation
All couples that wish to be married at Epworth UMC or by its pastor are to spend time in discussion with the pastor. During their time together they will discuss the wedding service and its meaning, and various topics that will help the couple as they journey forward together. The pastor will determine with the couple the extent of their time together.
Dates for both the wedding and rehearsal should be cleared in advance on the church calendar. Reservations will be set up with Administrative Assistant at Church Office (856-829-1908). It is recommended that weddings or rehearsals not be scheduled on Sunday.
The church has facilities to host a reception. If the reception is to be coordinated by a caterer, the arrangements must be discussed. The caterer will be responsible for furnishing all necessary items for the reception. No alcohol may be part of the reception. You are responsible for cleanup. Any damage will also be your responsibility. Church events have priority.
We recommend simple decorations which will emphasize the natural beauty of our sanctuary. Every precaution should be taken to prevent damage to flooring and furnishings. Furniture, such as the altar table, pulpit, and pews may not be moved due to damage to flooring and furniture. Discuss with the pastor any ideas you may have. There is to be no tacking or stapling of decorations. You are responsible for any damage that is incurred through the decorating of the Church.
All music used in the ceremony should reflect the Christian ideals of faithfulness and commitment as are appropriate for a worship service. You are expected to use our Church Organist/Pianist. Please let the pastor know if you would like any special music.
Photographs & Video
Photographs may be taken at your discretion as long as it doesn’t interrupt the service. Photographs can be taken during the ceremony. A video camera being operated by an individual may be used at the back of the sanctuary, or one may be placed on a tripod in the choir loft and turned on at the beginning of the ceremony. Please respect the ceremony and be discreet. Consult with the pastor if other photography is desired.
Fee Payment
- Non-Member Church use fee: $200
- Pastor: $250 (covers counseling, rehearsal, and ceremony).
- Organist: $150.
- Program: $50 (Optional)
- Wedding Assistant $100 (if needed)
- Cleaning: $50 (Extra fee if reception held at the church.)
All fees must be paid in full in cash at rehearsal.